Friday, August 31, 2007

Mayn English bolata tha aab mayn Hindi boltee hun.

I used to speak English... but now I speak Hindi :-)

Mayn khana khata tha aab mayn ni kathee hun.

I used to eat... but now I don't eat.

Okay, that's an exaggeration. But my Hindi vocabulary is still pretty limited!

This week has been a blur of quizzes and group projects. I am not a fan of group projects here, but we seemed to have had the last of group presentations this week! At least until October...

No new adventures to really report on, because my life has been sitting in a classroom for 6-8 hours and then sitting in the hostel for the rest of the waking hours. I did get a package in the mail this week with more food! So yeah for that! It took a while to get here... the Indian regular mail service is not very reliable. But it came, and that's all that matters. Thanks so much to all of you that have been sending cards. They are VERY much appreciated and brighten up my day. I hope everyone doesn't get tired of sending cards so that by the time November/December rolls around I have no mail calls. The guards know my name now and promptly hand me my mail as I walk back into the hostel! All the other girls are jealous.

Health wise... no updates. Which is unfortunate. But I am still surviving, so I can't ask for much more.

Funny story of the week. The dates here follow the European format. Example, today, August 31st would be written 31/8/07. One of my classmates, Colin, wrote his birthday down in American style as 3/8/??. Well this was misinterpreted as his birthday being August 3rd. Well the professors at Welingkar felt horrible for missing his birthday! They sent him a belated birthday ecard that was pretty precious and then celebrated his birthday two days ago with a impromptu ceremony and birthday cake. It was ironic because it was Stella's birthday (for real), so they had a cake made that said "Happy Birthday Stella and Colin." Of course, at this point you can't correct them. Colin had tried to tell Sucheeta (our coordinator) that his birthday was March 8th... but the message didn't stick. Needless to say, we told Colin we are officially not recognizing his birthday in March. So tomorrow night we are going out to celebrate Stella (and Colin's apparently) birthday!

The monsoon seemed like it had eased up for a few days, but is now back with a passion. We have three more weeks of classes then exams and then my much anticipated beach resort stay in Goa.

Check out the picture website, I added some pictures to "Mumbai Moments" of my favorite neighborhood cow :-)

Hopefully something worthwhile will happen that I can write about later. For now I just continue to count down the days 'til Mom (42) and Home (110). I continue to look for food to eat and ways to combat my growing rash. What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger :-)

Visitors and Cards Welcome!

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