Friday, August 17, 2007

Bollywood meets B-list Hollywood

There was nothing remarkable about yesterday, so I didn't write. I felt ill most of the day, which may paying attention in boring classes even more of a challenge. I had my usual 6 hours of class, and then headed back to the hostel for a few hours to soothe my aching stomach and attempt to keep some food down. I am on a weekly Malaria Pill, which should be taken on a full stomach. The catch is, seldom is my stomah full these days... therefore my body did not appreciate the pill resting in near empty stomach. But I recovered by evening. I don't really remember what else I did last night, besides laying in bed, chatting to friends. I slept for about 5 hours last night, so slowly my sleep schedule is improving, I just have a horrible time getting to sleep here!

Today was a pretty long, humid day. We had class all day, as usual... and during our lunch break I finally ventured out to the post office and hopefully, Enchalla, mailed post cards! I managed to buy stamps and was old to drop it in the box outside the post office. There were 3 boxes, blue, green, and red. There was no English to be found on any of the boxes except "Metro, Local" and the red one was blank. Well... your post cards are in the red box, wish them luck. I also walked to King Circle to check out a salon, and Rachel and I booked appointments for head massages this Sunday, I'll let you know how that goes. We got back to school in time to have a quick lunch, that I ate a bite of, before returning up to the 5th floor in time for Micro Economics. It was really nice going out and doing something during our hour long lunch time, instead of sitting in the canteen. But it was really hot and humid, so I felt pretty gross.

Micro Economics was a hoot... and it wasn't supposed to be. The professor is really passionate about teaching, but his facial expressions and unique grasp on the english language is hilarious! We were all laughing out loud, but he seemed to be laughing along with us. He also has some great way to relate Economics to Mangos... it'll be a long semester (he moves realllllly slow, we wanted to ask him, "If you had a mango for every year you've been alive. How many mangos would you need?" because we are thinking he's 80). During our break, I went down to the canteen to get my famous buttered toast (which ironically takes 15 minutes... everyone laughs at me), to act as "lunch" after my "breakfast" of a strawberry PediaSure bar (I also get laughed at for this... but only because they are jealous I've gotten packages and cards and no one else has).

After class, I headed out to get a microphone headset for my computer, a single DVD-R, and then went to the tailor. The tailor was a little more complicated than expected, they aren't using to making western shirts. I will go back to, hopefully, collect 3 short sleeve shirts next Tuesday (for less than 20 dollars).

I then went back to the hostel to enjoy my nightly Simpsons episodes (it was the same episode as last night. Did I mention one of the first nights I was here, they played the Simpsons episode where Homer goes to India? Watch it on YouTube... they aren't exagerrating) before heading out to the movies with Carey and Rachel.

We wanted to go see a Bollywood film... even though we would not be able to understand it, we figured it would be an unmatched experience. And that it was! We just the "foreigner's" Bollywoo film- Marigold. It had an American actress, Ali Larter, in it along with numerous Bollywood stars (who? I have no idea). It was HILARIOUS! And no one else was laughing. Before I went in, I got some hummus and pita and settled into the 9/10 empty theater. The premise of the story was that Marigold (Ali Larter) went to Goa (south India) to film a movie that winds up being canceled. She falls upon a Bollywood set of a movie and gets cast into the film, and falls in love with the choreogrpher. It was ridiculous. I haven't laughed that hard since I've been here. But don't you worry. I will order this movie on DVD and make sure that everyone can enjoy this delectable treat... it's an experience. I'll make sure to pause the movie, so you can enjoy the same intermission we did.

After our unforgettable Bollywood experience... we once again risked our lives in an exhilerating taxi ride back from Fort to Matunga. It's Friday night, but unfortunately for us tomorrow is a school day! This is quite unfortunate, your pity is appreciated. Not only do I have class tomorrow... but I've figured I'm in class between 30-36 hours a week. That's a lot. So I am off to pretend to go to sleep so I can "learn" my weekend away.

Looking forward to watching Marigold with you all.

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