Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Japanese Lunchable

You would be astounded by the number of convenience stores that can be found on the streets of Tokyo... AmPm, Monomart, 7-Eleven, Sunkus, and on and on. Because of space restrictions, convenience stores serve as local grocery stores that stock fresh products (unlike our image of the American convenience store). Another unique note is that they offer fresh packaged lunches. Every morning you can see crates of lunches delivered that are well picked-over by the time we have our lunch break at 1 pm every day. These lunches are pretty good (and very fresh) and very reasonably priced... if you can figure out what's in them! I fondly call them the Japanese Lunchable... but have only chosen to dine on them a few days, because of the element of surprise I'm not always willing to face.

My lunchable:

But surprise! Your rice has eyes.

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