Thursday, October 25, 2007

Aaj guruvar hai, kal budhvar tha, kal shukravar hai

Well life goes on. Back into the routine of spending all waking hours in two locations: F3 or Room 504. Luckily to break up the monotomy, I go to the gym for about an hour a day.

We had a busy week in school with an HR presentation and two tests in Finance. We get to drop 1 out of 4 tests in Finance, and I am pretty sure the second Finance test this week will be the one to be dropped.

We pay about 4X as much as the typical Indian student to attend Welingkar and live in their glorious hostel. Yet, they spend $125 total on our textbooks. We have been given 12 textbooks... which tells you that the rough cost of each textbook can't be much more than $10. In fact, our Finance textbook, as usually the "Cheap Indian Version for Sale Only on the Subcontinent of India" was $8.96 and is complete with typos and erroneous answers. So perhaps some of the funds they allocated to get us a fridge that is too big for our room and the killing they are making off our housing fees could go towards getting us up-to-date and accurate textbooks! Of all the materials, you would think current and accurate textbooks would be high on the priority list.

So needless to say, frustrations with the academic structure of the program here have been running rampant through our little dysfunctional family of 14. Homesickness is at an all time high, most of us are sick because of the recent weather change (a favorable change to sunny skies though!), and overly frustrated by the lack of communication and structure.

I have decided to accept the frustrations (not sitting down though, we are drafting a letter to Temple) and chalk it up to my time in India being more about the "cultural experience" and corporate visits than the instruction inside the walls of the incredibly shrinking Room 504.

This evening I finally have an evening without a test looming overhead, and I plan on enjoying it by watching a movie or some TV. Tomorrow we have a corporate visit to a real estate company and then to McDonald's India.

This coming weekend is my last in Bombay for two weeks as I leave on November 3rd for my big adventure to Rajasthan. I will be gone from 3 Nov until 12 Nov, so I will have a guarenteed plethora of adventures to fill everyone in on during my return.

For now, it's getting organized as well as getting out some more resumes for career prospects.

But the good news? Only 55 more days.

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