Thursday, November 15, 2007

Luckiest Girl in the World

My day didn't start out well (sounds familiar from my tales of living in India). I haven't slept well since Saturday night (Sunday night I was worried I wouldn't get back to Mumbai, Monday night I was on a rickety Indian train... and then the last two nights I've had too much on my mind to sleep) so I was exhausted.

We had a guest speaker from Canada this morning... and no offense, but he should have stayed there. Never have I met a duller motivational speaker, he was soft spoken and continually asked us to take "7 seconds of silence." "14 seconds of silence." "Take 42 seconds of silence." It was too bad, because I believe his message was compelling and thought provoking (if not a little unrealistic) but the delivery was horrible... and 2 hours long in a very uncomfortable Indian auditorium.

Then I came back to the hostel to discover new restrictions have been placed on our washer. We are only allowed to use the washer from 10-2 and 7-11. This is absurd! The adapter was taken away... and I had laundry to do.


This is where the lucky part comes in.

I am so very blessed to have the greatest family and the greatest friends in the world. Without you all (and you know who you are), I would be so very lost and alone in India. Each time my energy gets low, I have a bad day and home seems too far away... someone from home reminds me that they still think of me and care for me. And they know just how to make me feel better. Whether it's an internet chat, a well timed card, or a thoughtful package to pick me up. The gestures are priceless and while it makes me yearn for home just a little bit more... it also brings me temporary relief from the frustrations and always brings a smile to my face :-)

So thank you. When I count my blessings. I count you twice.

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