Sunday, September 23, 2007

Make it Stop!

Make the drumming stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all.

I've become "numb" or "immune" to a lot of the noise (except the drumming) and smells (except the garbage truck) here and don't even flinch as cars almost hit me daily (I've discovered the problem is there is NOT a SINGLE STOP SIGN in this city! Not a one!)... but the drumming? Every night? Outside my window? At 11 o'clock at night? Admist the bang of firecrackers? C'mon now... that's really quite enough....

Only two more days of Ganesh left...

1 comment:

Brett said...

I just wanted to point out that you've been slacking! On the right side of the screen it says you wrote 20 times in August and now it's the 25th of September (24th still for me, but you know...) and you've only written 9 times!!! You have some major catching up to do!