Saturday, June 28, 2008

Oh right... Home

In all the excitement of arriving home, I forgot to say I arrived home. I made it home, after 144 anxious days. I had a slighty anti-climatic arrival as my parents were stuck in traffic on 95 and couldn't greet me, but it was all good. I made it to the car where my big fluffy pillow and snacks were waiting for me.

The holidays were fabulous and it was great to see everyone and share my Indian gifts with them.

School started back up on January 10th and my classmates couldn't even recognize me! This semester I took: Cost Accounting, Investments, Risk Management, Multinational Management, Operations Management, and Entrepreneurial Finance. I also had my EMC (Enterprise Management Consulting) Project where I worked with an Israeli Cardiac Surgeon on proving the market for his medical device (a mitral valve repair technology) and presented him for funding at the Mid-Atlantic Diamond Ventures Venture Fair.

I was able to travel to Tel Aviv, Israel in March to visit my client, and that was a fabulous trip (

The semester was long (with an almost 2-hour commute each way to class) but it was great to meet the Paris cohort! It was also nice to be home for the semester, and as a bonus, I met a local boy in my backyard ;-)

So now... I am in the midst of the final chapter of my International MBA.

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